Rent Expenses Denied where Taxpayers Did Not Put Forth Reasonable Effort to Find Paying Renters
(Parker's Federal Tax Bulletin: April 22, 2013)
The taxpayers could not take rent expense deductions where they made no effort to change their strategy after being unable to find a rent-paying tenant for over 30 years. Meinhardt v. Comm'r, T.C. Memo. 2013-85 (3/27/13).
Donald Meinhardt worked full time at an architectural firm. His wife, Arvilla, operated a day care center out of the couple's home. In 1976, the Meinhardts bought approximately 140 acres of land that was improved with a farmhouse and outbuildings and that also consisted of crop land and pasture land. The couple rented out the farmland separately from the farmhouse. Since buying the land, the Meinhardts have had numerous local farmers lease the crop land and the pasture land. The couple attempted to rent out the farmhouse but were unsuccessful in finding tenants to rent the house in exchange for cash.
From 1976 through 2007, various individuals lived in the farmhouse at different times, often exchanging services (such as repairs and maintenance on the farmhouse) for use of the house. Over the years, the occupants included Arvilla's brother, who lived in the farmhouse seasonally for 20 years; the Meinhardts' daughter and her husband, who lived in the farmhouse for four years; and the Meinhardts' son and his family, who lived in the farmhouse for three months. The Meinhardts never received rent for use of the farmhouse. At various other times, the farmhouse remained vacant. The Meinhardts did not keep or present any detailed records of the value of these barter exchanges or the fair market rental value of the farmhouse.
For 2005-2007, the Meinhardts reported on Schedule E approximately $32,000 in rental income from the rental of crop and pasture land and expenses of approximately $74,500. The expenses consisted of insurance, supplies, repairs, and other expenses associated with the farmhouse. According to the Meinhardts, the farmhouse was available for rent during the years at issue.
The Tax Court denied the rent expense deductions, concluding that because the taxpayers made no effort to change their strategy after being unable to find a rent-paying tenant for over 30 years, they had not put forth a reasonable effort to rent out the farmhouse. Additionally, the fact that the taxpayers allowed individuals to live in the house rent free connoted personal use to the court.
In reaching its conclusion, the Tax Court cited Ray v. Comm'r, T.C. Memo. 1989-623, in which the taxpayer deducted expenses in connection with a house inherited from her mother, which had never been offered for rent or for sale. The taxpayer in Ray claimed the expenses were ordinary and necessary expenses paid for the production or collection of income, or for the management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for the production of income within the meaning of Code Sec. 212(1) or (2). The Ray court concluded that, given the almost universal experience with appreciating residential property (which was the case at the time), something more was required than a taxpayer's mere statement that he or she held residential property for investment purposes. The totality of the facts and circumstances convinced the court in Ray that the taxpayer did not possess the requisite profit objective and found similarly in the case of the Meinhardts.
Staff Editor Parker Tax Publishing
Don't miss our Complimentary Federal Tax Bulletin: March 27, 2013.
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